Configure Cluster Quorum node weight settings
While using SQL AlwaysOn in connection with a third node on a different location as a DR solution, the third node is needed only in case there is a real Disaster Recovery.
While using SQL AlwaysOn in connection with a third node on a different location as a DR solution, the third node is needed only in case there is a real Disaster Recovery.
I’m not quite sure why WordPress does this but it seems to happen after some major upgrades or if one of your themes is not aligned correctly. The editor is jumping up and down while writing posts and this drives me insane! It seems not to happen everytime but mostly after a wordpress update happened or changing something on the interface.
Have you ever wondered if there’s an opportunity to easily create a GUI out of every PowerShell Cmdlet?
I just wanted to share you a tiny snippet if you’re looking for a simple PowerShell liner to simply get a KB Hotfix installed. It also verifies if the KB is installed already.